Verification of Communities for ODF declaration in Akatsi South Municipality
A six-member team made up of two independent verifiers, three officers of the Environmental Health and Sanitation Unit, and the Acting Regional Director of Department of Community Development carried out a verification exercise for ODF declaration on the 29th and 30th of March 2021.
A total of eighteen (18) communities including Awasive; Gordorkope; Dadame; Agozikope; Lume Gbetikope; Torgodo; Agboglikope; Akotokope; Dzramadekope; Droavukope among others were inspected.
Some of the tasks undertaken werecommunity entry to brief chiefs and opinion leaders on the purpose of the visit. Transect walk through the communities, inspection of latrines in every household, amongst others. There were debriefing sessions for each community to disseminate the outcome of verification.
Out of these eighteen communities, fifteen passed and were declared Open Defecation Free.