Tracking Of Beneficiaries Of 2021 Adolescent Mentorship And Empowerment Program – South Dayi And North Dayi
As part of a five-day tracking activity of beneficiaries of the Department’s 2021 Mentorship and Empowerment Program the Department, with support from UNFPA and in collaboration with GES visited six schools in both South Dayi and North Dayi districts on Monday 23rd May and Tuesday 24th May, 2022.
The tracking exercise was to afford the department to know the progress of impact the mentorship is having on the mentees and their peers in their various schools.
Present for the tracking were Mrs. Thywill Eyra Kpe the Regional Director (DoG), Madam Millicent Dakeh the Regional Girls Education Officer (GES), the district girl’s education officers and supporting staff from the Department of Gender.
Students were educated on sexual abuse, adolescent sexual and reproductive health and menstrual hygiene. Students were also admonished to report any form of violence to higher and trusted authorities in their communities that can take the issues up to the police or go to the police directly.
Sanitary pads were also distributed to the girls.
405 adolescents were reached in 3 schools at Kpeve, Tsatee and Peki all in the South Dayi Districts whiles 189 adolescents were reached in 3 schools at Vakpo, Anfoega and Aveme Amanfrom all in the North Dayi District.