The Government of Ghana under the leadership of H.E the President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has shown commitment towards bringing justice delivery to the doorstep of the people to improve on Good Governance in the country. The Government, apart from renovating and improving on existing facilities of the Judiciary, has taken the step to construct about One Hundred (100) courthouses with bungalows for judges across the country. The construction of these courthouses and bungalows is being financed by Government through the District Assemblies Common Fund (DACF) in partnership with the Judicial Service of Ghana.

So far, a number of the courthouses and bungalows have been constructed and commissioned. In the Volta Region, such facilities were commissioned by His Lordship the Chief Justice of Ghana, Justice Kwasi Anin-Yeboah in Ho and Juapong.

On Wednesday, 3rd May 2023, similar facilities were commissioned by His Lordship the Chief Justice and the Hon. Volta Regional Minister, Dr. Archibald Yao Letsa first at Vakpo in the North Dayi District and second at Ve-Golokuati in the Afadzato South District.

The commissioning of the facilities were held with short ceremonies at the two venues which saw the participation of Traditional Rulers, Judges, Magistrates, Staff of the Judicial Service and Staff of the Assemblies. At Vakpo, the Paramount Chief of Vakpo Traditional Area, Togbe Gbogbolulu (V) welcomed His Lordship the Chief Justice, his retinue and the Hon. Regional Minister to the ceremony. He expressed how supportive of the judiciary the Vakpo Traditional Area had been for ages.

He stated that the Traditional rulers had provided residential accommodation to the magistrate until the construction of the new one which was recently commissioned. He also stated that he had made available the land for the construction of the new courthouse and bungalow without demanding any compensation.

Furthermore, he expressed the readiness of the Traditional Council to provide land for other developments for the Judiciary and pledged the support of the Traditional Council to the Judiciary. He however, appealed that the courthouse be made a High Court which shall elevate it from its current status of a Magistrate Court.

Togbe Gbogbolulu (V) therefore expressed his gratitude to H.E. the President of the Republic of Ghana for the courthouse. He also expressed his gratitude to the Hon. District Chief Executive for the North Dayi District Assembly for the roles played in the construction of the facilities.

At Ve-Golokuati where similar ceremony was held, Togbe Akoto (VI) of Ve-Agbome, the representative of the Paramount Chief of Ve Traditional Area, also welcomed the dignitaries to the event. He expressed the joy of the people of the district about the construction of the facilities.

Importantly, he expressed appreciation to Government and the Chief Justice noting that justice delivery had been brought to the doorsteps of the people of Afadzato South District. Togbe Akoto VI therefore assured that proper care would be taken of the edifices to ensure that they serve their purposes for a long period.

At both venues, the Hon. Volta Regional Minister, Dr. Archibald Yao Letsa, welcomed the Chief Justice to the Region, and stated that Government acknowledges the important role of the judiciary as an Arm of Government.

He stated that H.E. the President of the Republic of Ghana being an astute lawyer, has a special love for the Judiciary and is committed to providing the necessary infrastructural supports to the Judicial Service towards improving service delivery. In that regard, Government had constructed some magnificent structures as accommodation for judges of the Court of Appeal in Kumasi.

In addition, he indicated that Government had instructed the Administrator of DACF to fund the construction of a number of courthouses and bungalows for judges across the country in partnership with the Judicial Service and the various Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs).

He recalled the commissioning of two courthouses by the Chief Justice, one in Ho and the other in Juapong in March 2023.

He proclaimed that the Government under the able leadership of H.E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo was doing a lot for the Judiciary.

Dr. Letsa advised that people must be ready to accept the rulings of the courts and should one have any issue with any ruling, one must follow the necessary procedures in seeking attention or redress. He stated that the courts were being brought closer to the people in order that they could seek redress from them without taking the laws into their own hands.

On his part, His Lordship the Chief Justice stated that the construction of the courthouses was to bring justice delivery closer to the people. He indicated that through the support of H.E. the President, about One Hundred (100) courthouses and bungalows were being constructed across the country through funding support from the DACF.

He therefore expressed gratitude to H.E. the President and the Administrator of DACF for the courthouses and bungalows.

Justice Anin-Yeboah expressed the need for District Assemblies to support the Judiciary and ensure the maintenance of the various courts. He entreated the people of the districts to take proper care of the edifices.

His Lordship the Chief Justice reminded the gathering about the need for citizens to ensure that democracy thrives in the country. He underscored the important role of the Judiciary in democracy; intimating that without the Judiciary, democracy cannot thrive.

He entreated the staff of the Judiciary Service to provide support to people who come to the courts for assistance without taking advantage of them. He made that entreatment, as he advised the officers of the Judiciary Service to take proper care of the facilities.

Justice Anin-Yeboah also entreated the Chiefs to make good use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in civil cases, and desist from coming to the courts to withdraw criminal cases for resolution by them.

Similarly, His Lordship the Chief Justice entreated citizens to have confidence in the courts, for the courts are established to serve the people.

The two courthouses commissioned were different from the previous ones; they come with mechanized boreholes, a standby generator sets, Solar Power Systems (in addition to being connected to the National Grid) and Direct Transcription Systems.