Forty (40) girls from the Todome Kpalime D/A J.H.S embarked on an excursion to the Volta Regional Coordinating Council to principally interact with the Hon. Volta Regional Minister, Dr. Archibald Yao Letsa. The girls who are members of the Girls Empowerment Club of the school, operates under Women in Law and Development Africa (WILDAF-Ghana). They were led by the Headmistress of the school, Ms. Rose Ocansey and called on the Hon. Regional Minister at the Residency of the Regional Co-ordinating Council

Ms. Ocansey in making the purpose of their visit known stated that hitherto the formation of the club in the school, there had been reported cases of teenage pregnancies and school dropout which affected the academic performance of the pupils and the school. Therefore, the club was established to teach the female pupils how to take good care of themselves, and issues relating to defilement and rape. In addition, the club, according to her, teaches the girls topics relating to domestic violence.

She then concluded that, the visit was for the Hon. Minister to give some form of enlightenment to the young girls and also share some of his experiences with them.

Dr. Letsa expressed his excitement about the visit of the girls, and entreated them to take their education with all seriousness. He advised them to see themselves as very fortunate to have been in school, and that they should take advantage of being in school to become very useful citizens. He stated that education could take one out of poverty.

The Hon. Regional Minister then created the opportunity for the girls to ask him questions which he answered open-heartedly.

The girls and their accompanied team were grateful to the Hon. Regional Minister for opening up fully to them, through his personal experiences and advice, and also his warm reception towards them.

The girls were later taken on a tour of the Residency and the Co-ordinating Council Office respectively.